Adobe L & P workshop

29/11/2021 – The course has been terminated.
1 Description
The course is about adjusting photos and about photography theory.
At the beginning we have a discussion why you sign up, what you expect to learn and what is the best way to learn for you.
It is followed by introduction to graphics (vector vs pixel)
Throughout the workshop you learn about photography principles like a golden ratio and composition, perspective, colours, optical flaws, people as a unit of measurement etc…
The next part is about how to use Adobe Lightroom & Photoshop which is the software used to sort, adjust photos and correct optical imperfections.
Afterwards each weekly class is project-based. Each weekly class is about adjusting various problems with photos like too dark or too bright, warm or cool down a photo, filters to adjust only specific part of a photo, how to delete electrical wires or improve people faces.
You learn about colour management and how photos are printed and why a photo looks differently on your laptop, external LCD, your phone and printed.
You get a homework each week to practice.
The workshop is supplemented with a textbook.
2 Organization and duration
Start date: 27th October 2021 (Week 43),
End date: 23th March 2022 (Week 12),
Number of classes: 18× 90 minutes,
Number of students in a classroom: 8,
Christmas gap: 20th December 2021 until 14th January 2022,
Beginning after Christmas: 17th January 2022 (Week 3)
The course takes place on Wednesday from 19:45 – 21:15. See the timetable for the exact time of each class.
3 Requirements
- Speak basic English so that you can receive instructions (A2-B1 level minimum),
- Know how to use a computer.
- Have you own laptop with a minimum of 8 GB RAM (If you don’t have a computer write to me, we have four computers which can be lent to you.)
4 Rules of attendance
The class starts at 19:45 exactly. Come 10 minutes earlier to be prepared.